And here’s why:

Although goal focus works for some people, most of us will simply encounter SHAME along the way and will drop out. Added to that, this might be your baseline:

  • You may be or have been sick recently

  • You may be in a difficult relationship right now

  • You struggle to meet your basic needs, with all the worry you have with close ones

  • Or simply something in your life feels off…

Hold on tight, you’re not alone.

My invitation for you is to listen to yourself.

So you don´t dissociate again by forcing you to online challenges, unsustainable goals and virtual dreams.

And it starts like this:

Change the word GOAL to INTENTION

Read it again: Change GOAL to INTENTION

Here is an example:

Want to lose weight? For what? The FOR WHAT is your intention. Ask yourself For What as many times as needed to get the root of your desire.

Your intention is like your North Star and your body-mind will know where to go and how to adjust accordingly to follow it.

Trust you will encounter pitfalls, picks and valleys because that’s part of life.

but YOU will KNOW where to go

And if your body-mind tells you to recharge right now or it feels like hibernating due to cold, like most of the natural world, that’s ok. It’s January.

Want some examples of what it can look like?

  • Maybe you can start slowly and set your intention to move your body once a day to reconnect with it instead of crushing the gym machines.

  • You can recharge your health before running the hamster wheel at work (hoping your boss will appreciate it or any other compensation)

  • You can reconnect to your relationships, slowly, but only the ones that feel good (no need to be harsh with the ones that don’t feel good, you’ll lose your precious energy)

  • Or be with yourself, with self-compassion, before rushing to your close ones' needs or breaking a relationship. It can include working on grief, on what it is vs what it "should be"

And remember: Hold on tight. You’re not alone. Your body-mind will thank you for listening to you and not to what seems to be dictated around you.

The path to your freedom is to know your flavor of security, belonging, and love.

And if you need a little push to reconnect to yourself. I am here to help.


